Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Entry 2- The heavy weight of sin

There are Christians (at least self proclaimed) in the church today who say they have never felt the weight of their sins. When they call Jesus Saviour I often wonder what He has saved them from. If not the guilt and penalty of sin, what then? Bad breath? Poor posture? Sub-par hygiene? I don't want to come across in a mocking tone but when I analyze my own sinful propensities I know exactly why Jesus died for me. You see sin is a weighty thing. It is the chief weapon in the devil's arsenal. He is , after all, quite clever here. It isn't that he wants to drive you to drunkenness or pornography or womanizing (or "manizing" to give the ladies equal time) for the singular purpose of letting you enjoy those things for a measurable period of time. He has no interest in gratifying your flesh if the Lord will not. What he is aiming for is the after effects; the feelings of guilt and alienation that inevitably come to our minds when we have shamed Him by our actions. You know the thoughts full well. Oh I have sinned again. The Lord must really be disgusted with me now. I'm going to get chastised for sure. What will it be this time? A flat tire? Sudden sickness? Stubbed toe? Or maybe even something far worse. You see when we think this way the devil has gained the victory. Repentance is good. Self condemnation isn't . If He has saved you then you will forever be saved. He doesn't stop loving you because you have erred. Don't let the wicked one tease you with such things. Sin is a weighty thing but I think the Lord's arms are strong enough to hoist it far above his head and slay it forever on the old rugged cross. I wonder what consolation other "Christians" have who have never experienced the weighty nature of their sins? Probably no consolation since, in their own minds, there is nothing to be consoled for. I don't think, if given the choice, that I would ever want to trade places with them.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Entry 1 -- Reflections of a beloved friend

As a Christian, do you have a "beloved friend"? By that I mean, do you have someone that you can turn to in times of dire need and, in that person, find a receptive ear and caring heart? I feel that the Church of today is full of acquaintances but very few friends. We have an abundance of names written on "membership rolls" but too few that are written on our hearts. We see familiar faces each Sunday morning but a very small minority of the people behind those faces are, or ever will become, beloved friends. I have such a friend. His name is Mark and we have been meeting together once a week for about two months. How do I know that he is a beloved friend? Well let me share some observations. First, he is not reluctant to make time for me nor do I have any reservations in making time for him. We meet at a time close to the stroke of midnight when most folks are in bed. I know he is tired but still time is set aside for two fellow pilgrims to get together and share. You see a beloved friend is not afraid to put the desires of "self" behind the needs of a friend. Furthermore, I know he is a dear friend because he openly shares what is most pressing and painful in his life with me and I with him. There is no hiding behind a sterile facade. Failures, sins, weaknesses and vulnerabilities are shared in complete confidence. We both know that the confession of such personal issues will not invoke judgement and scorn but heartfelt counsel and care. It is just good to be able to unload on one who is a true and beloved friend. And I suppose another reason why we have such a relationship is because time just seems to whisk by when we are enjoying fellowship together. Midnight quickly becomes three in the morning and it is time to say good night. I am afraid that the Church is full of people who have numerous acquaintances but few if any friends. Do you have such a friend? I think that you will find that he, like your Saviour, will both now and forever stick closer to you than a brother.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It is my intent to begin a series of short, practical musings that I hope will be of benefit to my readership, whether that be large or insignificant. The purpose is not to be controversial or plunge the depths of deep theological quandaries. Instead, I desire to bring Christianity home with topics that touch our every day living. At times my entries will read like excerpts from a personal journal which, I suppose, will be purposeful. The Christian lifestyle is not easily unfolded in a sinful world and the execution of living that life is seldom easy. I hope some of these posts will shine like candles along the way to give light and direction to some weary pilgrims. Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Are you concerned about eternity? You should be. Eternity, after all, lasts forever. Do you know where you will spend eternity? You should. There are only two possibilities; heaven or hell. I assume, considering that you are of a sane mind, that you would prefer to be a citizen of heaven. Hell is not a very comfortable place to spend "forever". If so, do you know how to get there? If not, let me show you. Would you take your Bible and turn to the Gospel of John (in the New Testament) and read John 14:6. Here is your assignment. What does that verse teach. Please let me know by posting back to me. The importance of this cannot be under estimated. Your very soul depends on it.